Thursday, August 4, 2011

Papa's Seagulls

My father-in-law is a seagull scientist so, in his honor, 
the kids and I made these on our last weekend at the cabin.

 Tying the little licorice lace around each set of three sticks was no easy task. 
Perhaps next time I will "glue" the sticks together with a little frosting before garnishing them with lace.

 Oh, but they do look cute, don't they?

 Because I got tired of making the piers, I thought it would be just fine to 
have some seagull floating on the water.  They do that, you know. 

 This sad little gull had a rough time.
First of all, the marshmallows are a pain in the neck
to cut out.  They're all gooey and sticky and smush when you try to cut them. 
I tried using a knife, a scissor, a round cookie cuter.  I ended up using the scissor.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder if running my scissors through
a little flour would have helped them to not get so sticky.  Hmm. . .

 The "wing" on the side was supposed to be a little curled bit of frosting.  
But as you can see with this close-up guy, my frosting got a little smushy.  
The ziploc bag was getting tired.  

 Oh, yes, and of course, I weighed the batter again.  I'm really liking this system of perfection.

Perfectly baked.  Although the "blue" cake batter looks a little seafoam green.  
But that's accurate, right?

The kids loved them so they were a success.
Never making them again, though. . .